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Mynoush Spinning from an art batt video tutorial

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This is a step by step tutorial on how to spin a single from my art batt. The tutorial is divided into 8 videos between 1 min to 15 min each. 

links for each videos are included in a pdf you can download after purchase. You will receive an email for downloading. If you have issues message me I will send it myself to you.

This class is bilingual French English. Ce cours est bilingue Francais Anglais.

In this class I show you the basics of spinning bulky yarn single from an art batt, which is different than spinning from a roving. The batt is made of merino, merino fluff, mulburry silk and tencel. I am spinning this on a macht from spinolution which is bobbin driven.

Dans ce cours je montre les bases du filage d'un fil simple bulky a partir d'une nappe cardée, ce qui est different de filer une tresse du moulin. La nappe est faite de merino, de merino fluff, soie mulburry et tencel. Je file dans cet episode avec un rouet macht de spinolution, tensionné par la bobine.

Dont hesite to reach me on messenger for further assistance. N'hésitez pas a me contacter sur messenger si vous avez besoin d'aide.

Note that this class is included in my class about core spinning art yarn with ribbons and locks. So if you plan to buy it don’t buy this one .