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How to felt a beret video tutorial

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This tutorial will show you all the steps to make a felted beret.

I made it simple and basic. It is a project suitable for a beginner in felt, I think if you are crafty even if you haven't felt before you can do this, although there is a bit more technicalities than a flat scarf. The beret is made with a resist, and its a perfect project to learn how to work with it. It is perfect to start with that style if you want to move forward others hat styles. 

I made a 7 minutes introductionto felt prior making the hat for you who don't know felt.

The video is NOT bilingual , it is ENGLISH only. There is NO captions.

The tutorial is NOT divided in short clips like my others tutorials. It is one length video of 67 minutes. 

In the tutorial I also created the patterns on the hat. I did not go in details for that since its a beginner project but you can see how it is done completely.

All my tutorials are hosted on youtube. You have access to it as long as youtube will exist. You can rewatch them as many times as you want.

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